LGM Advisors provides an online form for the submission of wills. For more information on wills, contact LGM Advisors today.
Other arrangements:
at age:18212530
½ does not survive then to:
Super fund name:
Binding nomination required: YesNo
Insurance company:
Any joint tenancies to be severed (please contact us if you are not sure of whether there is a joint tenancy that needs to be severed): YesNo
If yes, details:
Has anyone been promised a benefit under the will? YesNo
Are any Family Court orders still on foot, has a binding financial agreement been entered into, is there a registered relationship under the Relationships Act 2008 or an unregistered domestic partner? YesNo
Are there any other matters which might affect the dispositions in the will? YesNo
Have you consulted an accountant? YesNo
Would you like to detail any specific burial, cremation or medical research provisions? YesNo
Would you like to make provision for any ongoing cemetery or crematorium fees? YesNo